Thursday, May 25, 2006

How can we use our culture more effectively?

We are surrounded by media in the world we live in. Music. Movies. Technology of all sorts. As a youth worker, I'm always grappling with how can I share the message of Jesus with young people. In this age where they have so many choice about what to see, what to listen to, what to do, how to be, christian faith is just another option. Many of my colleagues across the country and across the world talk often about being "relevant" but what does that mean? How do we be relevant?

I'm a passionate believer in we have to meet people where they are at. It's something that youth workers have realised and grappled and struggled with. I think the challenge for us is helping young people see God in their world. And we can only really do that by using what they are seeing and listening to, and speaking a christian perspective to the issues that are raised in what they are listening to, and seeing, and doing.

The down side to thinking like this is that I'll see a movie or DVD, or listen to a song, and think about the possibilities and issues and topics that they raise. On the one hand, it's a great thing. On the other, it means that I come away from most things with the brain back in work mode for a little while! I'm sure it frustrates my wife sometimes. But, if we are going to help young people come into a relationship with God, we can only do it by meeting them where they are at, and helping see the presence of God in their world, and their lives!


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